Then remove the harness hold-down bracket and the switch lever...
...and it will look like this.Then remove the screw on the bottom.
Flip the brownish/red plate out of the way, and here you can see the problem. The center solder connection in the switch block is loose. Unscrew and remove the white plastic part in the top. This part holds the switch block in place, and be sure the ball in the front doesn't fall out and get lost.
Pull the switch block and horn button from the housing. The switch block lifts straight out, and needle nose pliers work good for this.
And it is out and ready to repair. You can see a spot on the solder where it looks like it had been arcing.
Next clean the area to be soldered, and spray some cleaner in the switch block to clean the contacts.
I used the soldering iron to heat and remove the old solder from the wire.
Then carefully clamp the switch block upright, put the wire in place, and solder it in. The switch block has little cups that the wire goes in, which makes soldering fairly easy. Then let it cool and give it a gentle tug to make sure it is secure, then reassemble.
Done, and working fine.
On the subject of turn signals, when I first bought the bike in '09 it had a flasher relay that didn't work. The replacement Yamaha part is very expensive, so I used a cheap 2 prong relay from the auto parts store. It works fine, but the self canceling feature doesn't work. I've always thought self canceling signals were more annoying than useful anyway, so no problem. This is the self canceling unit. You can just leave it off to save space.
I love your blog, read the whole thing today. I was glad to see someone else had a similar issue to my turn signal dilemia so maybe you can help me out. I have an XS400 and when I got it, it did not have any turn signals. Using a wire diagram, I was able to locate all of the leads and they were all intact. I purchased a set of bulb flashers, hooked them up, and nothing. Now, I am not able to get any power showing using a test light from any of the flasher wires, is that normal? I have NOT taken the switch apart yet as you suggest and I will, I just wanted to get some other input. Bike runs, headlight, brake/tail lights all work. It is JUST the damn turn signals. Thanks so much!
RIGHT AFTER I wrote this, I went out in my garage, took the switch apart, and sure enough the connections were flopping around inside. Wired them back in, and lights were flashing! Thanks for your post!
Excellent! I'm really glad it was of help. Thanks, Joe
don rd400
Thanks for the post. took mine apart,cleaned it, forgot how to the timer ground plate fits in. Your pictures worked for me
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