
Never Say Never Again

Sportster Cafe'

This bike has a great look going. It would rule with a 18" or 19" rear wheel in place of the 16".


Sportster Z1

Here's a unique Sportster/Kawasaki hybrid.

What I think is interesting is how well they integrated the Z1 tail, using a custom subframe. This also solves the problem of the Sportster having a drop seat style frame, which can cause very little leg room when using rearsets.

From: http://photos.yahoo.co.jp/ph/music55bass/lst?&.dir=/39c1&.src=ph&.begin=9999&.view=t&.order=&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.co.jp/ph/music55bass/lst%3f%26.dir=/39c1%26.src=ph%26.view=t